Priesthood Assembly at Kirtland Registration Form

Priesthood Assembly at Kirtland Registration Form

September 20-22, 2024      Kirtland,Ohio
Fri 8pm, Sat 7:30am - 9:00pm, Sun 7:15am - 10:30am | View full schedule here

Theme: New Wine In New Bottles

Isaiah 65:1
I am found of them who seek after me; I give unto all them that ask of me;
I am not found of them that sought me not or that inquireth not after me.

Please complete all items in the registration form as completely as possible
Please Note: This assembly will not be available via Zoom. Participation is limited to those that are able to attend in-person.
First Name
Last Name Please include suffix if applicable (Sr, Jr, III, etc.)
Street Address
Email Address
Phone Number
I Will Be Attending Friday
Current Priesthood Office
Restoration Branch/Group You Attend
If your branch isn't listed above, please provide it here.

Please include the branch city and state.
If outside the USA, include the country.
FEES: Registration fee is $15. Please pay when you arrive at the check-in table in Kirtland.