Melchizedec Credentials Guidelines
Amended April 6, 2010
The following guidelines will serve as the basis for seating all elders in the current assembly and in other CRE activities, and continue in effect unless, or until altered through future conference action.
Participation in the Elders Conference shall be extended to authoritatively ordained Melchisedec Priesthood -
- Who, currently function within a "Restoration Branch," and whose office and ordination have been determined to be in order by the Credentials Committee of said conference, or the Coordinating Council between conferences.(A "Restoration Branch" does not accept such doctrines as the ordination of women to the priesthood, the serving of the sacrament to persons without authoritative baptisms, or participate or accept the calling and ordination of men to priesthood offices other than elder, priest, teacher, or deacon. Any branch previously engaged or associated with an organization which participated in such actions are required to renounce the same in order to be considered and function as a "Restoration Branch.")
- Who, while not joined with a branch, have remained faithful to their calling by supporting the "Restoration Position," and whose office and ordination have been determined to be in order by the Credentials Committee of said conference, or the Coordinating Council between conferences.
- Who, for reasons of conscience or physical location have continued to minister within the framework of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints/Community of Christ, but who have not subscribed to, nor participated in any divergent practices or doctrines, and whose office and ordination have been determined to be in order by the Credentials Committee of said conference, or the Coordinating Council between conferences.
- Who have since then been affiliated with one or more of the factional movements - who are willing to renounce said affiliation and repent of any participation in divergent practices or doctrines including, but not limited to the rejection of any subsequent ordinations, whose office and ordination have been determined to be in order by the Credentials Committee of said conference, or the Coordinating Council between conferences.
- Who, by accepting a call to the priesthood, have accepted the personal responsibility of maintaining the highest standards of Christian conduct. Verified failure to maintain such standards may constitute grounds for denying or revoking one's right to voice, vote, and participation in CRE activities.
- Upon the written statements of two or more credible witnesses to conduct on the part of a Melchisedec priesthood member that is unbecoming a priesthood member, or conduct that is detrimental to that members' ministry, or the ministry of others, the Credentials Committee, or Coordinating Council between conferences, will determine whether said priesthood member is eligible to participate in the Conference of Restoration Elders.
Circumstances or questions concerning eligibility of a Melchisedec priesthood member to be seated in the CRE that may arise that are not covered by any of the above guidelines will be reviewed and acted upon by the Credentials Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Appeals of the decision of the Credentials Committee for seating shall be made in writing and submitted to the CRE Coordinating Council for review, consideration, and action. If the appeal is denied, and one of the parties involved desires to appeal the decision of the Coordinating Council, a committee of seven Elders shall be elected from the seated body of elders in conference to review and consider the appeal. The elected representatives will consider the appeal during the convening conference and render a decision that shall be final for that conference. In this way, the rights of the individual and the rights of the body to consider matters pertaining to the conference will be preserved and protected.